Created to enrich the gifts, services, and opportunities for our students, teachers, parents, and our community!
OUR GOAL: $10,000
How Your Donation Works:
*Donate $15 and receive an Idlewild magnet
*Donate $25 and receive an Idlewild navy blue T-shirt
*Donate $50 and receive an Idlewild magnet and T-shirt
*Incentive gifts are per student not per family
*Every dollar donated stays at Idlewild. So please donate what you can!
*All gifts are tax deductible!
*Campaign starts:November 01, 2016
*Campaign ends:March 03, 2017
Ways to Send Your Donation:
*Send in your donation with your student
*Make checks payable to Idlewild PTA (Please click on the PTA check policy button to view our policy)
*Pay online using this email, and transfer funds.
*If you need help or more information, please email Annette Miller at
*Does your job have a matching gift program? Ask and you could double your gift!